Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The Crow

He watches over.
Take the bell and keep it.
For one day the crow will heed its call to protect you.
~Pencil, A4

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Wish Upon the Moon

Do you ever make your wish to the Moon and wonder if he listens? He says he does and the stars don't mind. -Pencil sketch on notebook

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Horned One

A quick pencil drawing which I call "The Horned One." It's4"x 4" only in size. I'm not sure if you could trust her if you would ever cross paths in the forest....

Mama Mouse

This is the first time I drew something  very small. The paper size is 4" x 4". I used watercolor and pencil only. Here is Mama Mouse with a fresh berry she just picked from the garden. I wonder if she'll make a pie out from it?

A Mama Never Tires

This work is A4 and I used pencil and watercolor. I was thinking of my mother and friends who have their own family now and are rearing their kids. Nothing really compares to a mother's care, love and sacrifice.